2024 Line-up
Performance Schedule
Both days are the same show. Ticket sales for each show day will be limited.
Both days are the same show. Ticket sales for each show day will be limited.
List of Performers
And don't forget to come check out our collection of static aircraft! Statics will include:
- USMC F-35B
- C-123k
- MQ-9 Reaper Drone
- Beechcraft Beech 18
- L-17 Navion
- T-6A and T-6B
- Navy T-54
- AH-64 Apache
- New York Air National Guard C-17A
- L-2 Grasshopper
- Bell 47"
- PT-17 Stearman
- Boeing B-17 (AZCAF Rides)
- North American B-25 (AZCAF Rides)